Safety Mining

Safety Mining

Safety Mining

We realize the importance of implementing Mining Safety in the company as a form of hazard and risk management in every mining activity so that employees can perform their responsibilities without being at risk of injury, occupational disease, property damage, environmental pollution, and waste of energy and other natural resources.

As one of our main programs, we created the Safety Champion program to manage hazards and risks. We appointed a division as a Mining Safety ambassador to initiate safety initiative programs that aim to encourage the implementation of Mining Safety programs and inspire other workers in the company to make positive contributions in realizing a safe and healthy workplace. The Safety Champion program enables us to identify systematically, measure, control and monitor Mining Safety risks to our business, employees, contractors and other partners.

As an evaluation of our commitment in the implementation of Mining Safety, we measure the maturity level of Mining Safety using 3 (three) parameter aspects, namely Personal Aspect, Situational Aspect and Organizational Aspect.

Measurement of the maturity level of Mining Work Safety is our main commitment in evaluating the performance of Mining Work Safety so that it becomes the main performance indicator for all employees including the management.