Environment Management

B3 Waste Management

B3 Waste Management

We realize that our mining activities produce waste that can be categorized as hazardous and toxic waste (B3) and non-hazardous waste. The types of B3 waste originating from mining operations are varied, ranging from used lubricants, used batteries, used filters, B3 contaminated materials, and medical waste to B3 waste originating from office activities such as used cartridges and used toners.

The handling and management of Hazardous and Toxic Material (B3) waste is a serious task and has severe consequences, as this type of waste can pose a direct health hazard to anyone who comes into contact with it and could potentially cause environmental pollution, both water body pollution and soil pollution. Therefore, we ensure that every B3 waste generated from mining activities is managed under applicable laws and regulations.

We are committed to treating B3 waste under the applicable laws and regulations. This consists of B3 waste identification, B3 waste minimization, B3 waste temporary storage in a B3 Waste Temporary Storage Site (TPS), that holds a B3 Waste TPS Permit from the Government. In addition, we also transfer B3 waste to a Third Party that has a B3 Waste Management Permit in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.